The Overlooked – And Deadly – Complications of Lyme Disease and Its Coinfections

Lyme disease is spreading all across the globe and the numbers of new infected patients are staggering – and new reports suggest this disease and its coinfections may be life threatening. In this article we will review some viable options for helping patient get the treatment they need. In 2013, the Center for Disease Control reported that as many as 300,000 new Lyme cases occur each year, ten times what was previously assumed. When considering all other tick-borne infections and coinfections, it is safe to say this number is even higher.

The chronic form of these infections have left many patients mentally and physically debilitated, known in many circles as chronic Lyme disease. However this Australian story points to a frightening reality: these infections can drastically lead to the shortening of life. That’s why awareness and treatment options must be put into action for patients now.

Lyme Disease: A Critical Health Issue

What’s most disturbing in dealing with these infections is the insufficient treatment options offered to these patients. Because of so many inferior diagnostic and treatment options, many people don’t even know if they have the disease, all of which is further complicated because Lyme can imitate so many other infections. Unfortunately, many people are getting the wrong diagnosis and poor treatment, which is complicating things even further.

Isn’t it time patients get the help they need? Fortunately, new and advanced treatment protocols are available today with a select number of medical practices leading the way. Let’s learn more.

A regimen of antibiotics is the first course of action against Lyme and many doctors believe the disease just disappears after that But that’s not always the case – often, the bacteria can hide in the body, lingering for months and coming back with a vengeance, attacking the central nervous system and brain. Coupled with the fact that a tick bite (what usually transfers Lyme disease) also spreads an average of FOUR other pathogens, the most dangerous of which is Babesia. [1] It’s important that when we think of Lyme disease we don’t underestimate the coinfections involved, taking in the full immune-compromised state most patients suffer with.

Babesia causes babesiosis, which gives patients malaria-like symptoms, making malaria a common misdiagnosis for the disease. This type of infection can be fatal in one out of ten patients, with an especially increased risk of death in the elderly, the immunosuppressed and those coinfected with Lyme disease.

If the number of reported cases of Lyme disease has been so grossly misrepresented, it follows that the number of deaths from Lyme complications is also higher. Last year, a Massachusetts man died in his car, sparking a CDC investigation. The investigation revealed he had Lyme disease and didn’t even know it.[2] If the man wasn’t an organ donor and his heart wasn’t examined, perhaps no one would have ever suspected. CDC researchers admit that deaths from Lyme disease are not uncommon. However, many more become debilitated with a chronic form of this infection and it leads to further suffering.

Because Lyme disease is often misdiagnosed and can manifest as other conditions such as fibromyalgia, autoimmune diseases or chronic fatigue syndrome, we believe the outbreak of Lyme is far more prevalent than even the CDC is anticipating. Related deaths are going to be far more commonplace and many other patients will suffer needlessly.

Isn’t it time doctors started taking Lyme disease more seriously?

It seems silly – dangerous, even – that many doctors and researchers simply view this disease as something to be treated with antibiotics and nothing more. We strongly believe otherwise. Attacking just the Lyme often doesn’t work, allowing the disease to relapse and does nothing to address the many coinfections and other complicating factors in the patient, such as toxins and heavy metal poisoning.

It’s quite clear, given the sharp rise in confirmed cases across the world and the number of people who continue to suffer even after symptom-masking conventional treatment, that Lyme disease is becoming an epidemic. How the medical field responds needs to go above and beyond what is currently being done, treating the patient as a whole and addressing all infections, immunity issues, along with other patient complication is crucial. Too many lives are in the balance for Lyme to be underestimated.

To learn more about integrative Lyme disease treatment click here or to learn more about how doctors are misdiagnosing this frightening disease click here. If you have questions about Lyme disease or our treatment, please contact us today.


[1] “Lyme Wars” – NPR

[2] 3 People Die Suddenly From Lyme Disease, CDC Investigates –